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# $Id:,v 1.2 2010-05-28 18:43:59 wirawan Exp $
# wpylib.math main module
# Created: 20091204
# Wirawan Purwanto
import numpy
ZERO_TOL = 5.0e-16
def ztol(val, tol=None, copy=True):
"""Rounds down values to zero if they are below tolerance."""
if tol == None: tol = ZERO_TOL
if "__iter__" not in dir(val):
if numpy.abs(val) < tol:
return 0
return val
elif isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
if copy:
rslt = val.copy()
rslt = val
numpy.putmask(rslt, numpy.abs(rslt) < tol, [0])
return rslt
raise ValueError, "Unsupported datatype: %s" % str(type(val))