# $Id: __init__.py,v 1.3 2010-09-10 21:23:59 wirawan Exp $ # # wpylib.math main module # Created: 20091204 # Wirawan Purwanto # pass import numpy ZERO_TOL = 5.0e-16 def ztol(val, tol=None, copy=True): """Rounds down values to zero if they are below tolerance.""" if tol == None: tol = ZERO_TOL if "__iter__" not in dir(val): if numpy.abs(val) < tol: return 0 else: return val elif isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): if copy: rslt = val.copy() else: rslt = val numpy.putmask(rslt, numpy.abs(rslt) < tol, [0]) return rslt else: raise ValueError, "Unsupported datatype: %s" % str(type(val)) def epsilon(dtype): """A simple way to determine (at runtime) the precision of a given type real number. Precision is defined such that (1.0 + epsilon(dtype) > 1.0). Below this number, the addition will not yield a different result. """ one = dtype(1.0) small = one small2 = small while one + small > one: small2 = small small = dtype(small / 2) return small2 def roundup(value, unit): """Rounds up a value to the next integer multiple of a unit.""" return numpy.ceil(float(value) / float(unit)) * unit